SNS is prominent, because it offers us with where we can always get in touch with someone else. The good thing of it is that we don't have to be bothered with intrusive communication. We can simply being a part of network and feel someone's existence, which help us to get rid of loneliness. So basically we are passively active on SNS.
Thus, if you don't have accessibility to these services, you are out of the network. For example, homelessness is one of the biggest social issue all around the world. And these homeless people doesn't have access to the internet, that means they are physically alive but socially dead.
Then I thought about what's the idea of "Socially Alive"? I think so far that means being a part of social network, passively exposed to information communicated on its network. Then we react to some of these information based on our interests.
So I came across this idea of SNS Object which is physically dead but socially alive. It lives in twitter, and reacts to some tweets on public time_line. It has its own interest, and choose the tweets to react based on that interest.
It's also important to have some follower or someone following, since the point is to be a part of network, having at least trifle influence on the network which the object belongs to.
My plan is below;
* the interest: Homelessness
* what it does: React to the tweet containing the word "homeless", and post a tweet such as "@####, I think we have a similar interest. Would you follow me?"
I think "@####" is essential to attract people's attention to SNS Object, aiming at having some followers. And also, this might be a bit too ambitious but I want to get SNS Object to be a hub of people who's got a similar interest.
I don't know how to realise this yet. But I will give it a try. Realistically, I would better start with getting object post "I think we have a similar interest. Would you follow me?" without "@####" because I don't know how to do it yet.
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